Narrative description of your approach to meaning and value

Meaning and value basically highlights what should be valued most in the life, what to believe in, which thoughts to constitute upon and what are the most important things, and what is their degree of importance Value is a term which is basically associated to the degree of importance given to something. Value signifies the moral standards of a life it tells that what is the code of conduct regarding life.

It is important to have values in life as it gives you direction on how to approach the life. Values make life simple and easy to live as it guides on how to move on with the life. It defines the moral boundaries.

Values help to determine how good or bad a thing is. This determination of goodness and badness is purely based on the personal thinking and judgment, something that is good for you can turn out to be bad for your friend. So it is all about the perception about a particular thing.

It is essential to have values both in personal and in professional life. Having no values in the professional life would be like a glass that is half filled. In order to be a complete package of values you must have values both in personal and professional life.

Having values in professional life will help to determine what is right and what is wrong professionally, what job to take and perform, and what job to avoid It also helps in establishing ethical ways to perform a job, behaviors that are needed to be followed at the workplace and refraining from any activity that is going to defame the organization.

Having values will give you enjoyment on the workplace rather than not having any values associated with the work. Following the values will give you a peace of mind as you will be satisfied with the work you are doing, you will not be feeling guilty as you will be doing the things that are morally right according to your ethical standards.

Another thing that should be taken into account here is that whether personals values should go hand in hand with the professional values or not. It is vital that the personal and professional values match otherwise you will be in great conflict. One part of your self will be asking you to do something else whereas other will be telling you to do something else. But if the values match then there will be satisfaction in both, personal and professional life.

 It is not really easy to set values and then pursue them. It takes a lot of determination, self control and motivation to follow the values you have set. In the beginning it seems almost difficult to follow them but then with the passage of time you get use to it and you start following them effortlessly.

Values are important than anything else in this world. Life is empty and meaningless without values. Roy Disney, a famous American film writer and producer, said that once you know what your values are it is not that hard to make decisions.

Life without values will be unstructured and haphazard. Aristotle once said that, The ultimate value of life depends upon awareness and the power of contemplation rather than upon mere survival (as cited in Hayes, 2010). Aristotle in this quote is clearly referring on having the understanding of the world and the values attached to it rather than just leading life like that. He is asking to discover the world which is lively and full of meaningful things.

Honesty, truthfulness, integrity and loyalty are the most important values that are needed to be in the life. It helps you to work diligently and put more effort in the job. No matter what profession you are opting for, truthfulness and honesty will always bring good to you and to the firm you will be working in.

There may be chances in your career where you might gain a lot from not telling the truth but if you opt for that polluted way then you will only have satisfaction for a temporary period, in the long run the thought is definitely going to haunt you.

In order to avoid these unfavorable circumstances it is better to speak the truth and be on the brighter side. There is also a famous saying that, A lie may take care of the present, but it has no future (as cited in Reed, 2009). This quote is clearly denoting the fact that a lie may benefit you in the present but it has no certainty that it is going to benefit you in future too.

Another factor that counts a lot is integrity it must be there too in order to have a sound career. Mutual co-operation with the co-workers is also important. As work is done in groups at workplace, you have to interact, solve problems, and delegate tasks to each other. So if there will be no sense of co-operation among the workers then the job will become difficult.

You may have often heard such sentences in your daily life, to which you give your own meanings due to subjective factors. This theory is called Rudolf Carnaps Pragmatism theory which emphasizes to understand the linguistic context by reducing subjectivity and increasing objectivity. However, other pragmatics believes in subjectivity because when it becomes impossible to concentrate on objectivity, then subjectivity gets irresistible and you end up asking what do you mean by this Yet it is very important to understand the problems of linguistic context without considering your own assumptions of meaning. For e.g., sentence such as Marry talked to him will be perceived differently than Marry talked to a lawyer because former one has a linguistic problem in terms of pronoun.

Another issue is situational context which says that a statement can be either in a form of request or assertion. For e.g. sentence such as Its hot here is merely a simple statement but it can b a direction or request at the same time to turn the air condition on, depending on the situation or on the listeners ability or discretion to switch on the AC. This shows that a sentence may have other perspective too.
Apart from this, pragmatics talk about speech acts which has either an illocutionary point or a force. For e.g. A point of responsibility is to put oneself into a commitment or a point of affirmation is to represent the world in a certain way. The illocutionary effect on speech act is different from its elocutionary effect. The former one is a point of direction or order being given to someone while later one is the point of fulfillment of that order. Therefore, a request can be said to have an illocutionary effect as it is a direction at the same time. In grammatical sentences one may use specific speech acts like one sentence can either have interrogation or request, but in particular contexts one may use different speech acts depending on the situation. As I have written above, a sentence Its hot here can be used for making declaration as well as a request to turn the AC on.

Therefore, this theory actually says to react to every sentence or word objectively because world is independent of human. You arent supposed to create meanings by you assumptions. However, if you are unable to stick to objectivity then simply ask the person to clear out the issue rather than being subjective.

Another philosophy is of post-modernism which can be related to values. It is based on scientific meaning and technology status. It asserts that how science can legitimize itself or can make it trustworthy. At this point this theory makes a distinction between narrative discourse (myths) and scientific discourse (science).

Myths are just stories or legends which are often heard from the ancestors and everyone believe in them because of trustworthy source. Thus myths dont need to prove themselves. They just get popular by forming a social group of men or women transferring it to every other group. But science cannot legitimize itself by its own laws. It makes denotative statements unlike myths and has to prove their trustworthiness. Lyotard says that science should depend on myths or narratives to prove it. These narratives are Meta or grand narratives. First one is French narrative which says that religion cannot lead to success. Apply reason and science to every aspect of life and enjoy freedom. Second one is German narrative which is about achieving full, pure and whole knowledge. But, since World War II people started disbelieving in these Meta narratives because applying reason cannot save you from bomb attacks and you cannot apprehend the full knowledge of any scientific discipline like physics or chemistry. Therefore, science was no longer to be trustworthy for people. Later on science started proving itself by performanceperformingproducing more of the same kind of research so as to be consistent in the results because the more you produce the more poof you produce and the more power and money you get. Therefore, science started legitimizing itself by itself just like myths.
This shows that rejecting religious restrictions and going beyond your cultural limits will not give you any constructive freedom. You should not believe science blindly because science has no limits. It can make any impossible things possible. Though they seem to be beneficial but reality is something else because science cannot be truthful 100

The theory of Epistemology deals with the sources, theories, limitations and validity of information which a person posses. It is basically concerned with the question that how human beings do get knowledge and is that knowledge reliable or not. For many human beings, the easy way of gaining knowledge is through experiences. It is often said that mistakes are portals of discovery. You learn when you make mistake but, this error and trial practice involves a great risk. It is not necessary that you will not make mistake in the second trial.

Therefore, to gain knowledge one must depend on other sources like empiricism and rationalism. Locke says that you should depend on your experience to create the meanings of this world. In other words this means that without proof there is no experience and without experience there is no knowledge and proof is got from the five senses which a human being posses. It says that at the time of your birth there is no meaning of world in your mind but gradually words and knowledge begun to be shaped when you touch and feel things and develop real life experiences. But senses may also deceive you because it depends on your perception what meaning you want to create or what meaning you have created from this world. Thus experience cannot be a reliable source of knowledge.

Another source called rationalism asserts that knowledge is not learned or acquired it is already there in the mind (here mind does not mean brain) in the form of basic principles. These principles are pre-experiential that is they are born before experiences. They are with you in the form of ideas. You use them to make judgments based on your reason or logic. Another word for rationality is logic which cannot be learned because it is innate. This shows that you gain knowledge by using your logic not by touching things and by error-free trial. If you think this thing is wrong then it is wrong or if you have doubt of something being true then it is true because your mind says it so. Therefore, truth and falsity resides in ideas not in things.

This shows that meanings are created by using logic and rationality. However, rationalism has also its own drawbacks like ideas are not visible, rationalistic concepts are too difficult to apply practically, philosophers have different theories on this subject, and the major criticism on rationality was that it cannot increase you knowledge because traditionally people used to believe that earth is the centre of the solar system because their rationality says this is true but it is not necessary that your ideas are always going to be accurate and precise.

Apart from this, hermeneutics is another theory related to elucidation of the words. It is concerned with linguistic problems. It asserts that if you understand the context then you can interpret the words. For e.g. Someone suddenly comes to you and starts conversation with you like this Why you scolded him You might be lost at first because it is not clear from this question that about whom is this question being asked but you try to ponder and figure out the background of the situation. This situation of knowing that you can figure out the context behind these words is called as science of interpretation or Hermeneutics.

For us hermeneutic is a modified way of describing the rules for interpreting the words. There could be other meanings of the phrases or words as well apart from their literary meaning. This shows that we should concentrate on the context before replying or taking the subjective meaning.


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