Psychology questions

Neuroplasticity defines the way the brain receives information and disseminates it through adaptive responses. Brain plasticity enables acquiring new experiences. The brain is receiving information by reorganizing neural pathways. The brain employs neuroplasticity in learning. Learning is the process of acquiring knowledge. Knowledge is acquired through experience or laid instruction. The brain adjusts to accommodate the learned knowledge. This is achieved through functional changes which take place in the brain. This change as a result of learning defines neuroplasticity. The brain changes in response to new concepts and images. Other daily activities that define neuroplasticity include exposure to stressful conditions. This brings about changes in the brain in response to the introduced stimuli. The brain is the core organ to stimuli. It is concerned with the adaptation to daily activities such as learning.

Gene manipulation has some advantages and some disadvantages. Gene manipulation may lead to eradication of a certain gene. Gene manipulation is of advantage when it promotes beneficial things in the human life such eliminating criminal behavior.  In case scientists identified genes linked to criminal behavior, it would wise to redesign or remove the genes. There are several reasons behind removing or redesigning these genes. Removing the genes from a person eliminates criminal behavior in that person. There are some scenarios which call for action to taken, for instance in the case of an attack by terrorist. This may call for immediate response. Redesigning the criminal behavior genes may make them applicable upon demand. The manipulated genes may used on people to perform a certain task. The genes should be removed from the identified people after completion of perceived intention. Gene manipulation is vital and mostly when it eliminates criminal activities.


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