Philosophical Questions on Human Nature
2. If it is indeed the case that human beings are determined by universal traits which define their nature, how can one account for the distinctions in human life .
3. Jean Paul Sartre claims that existence precedes essence. What are the implications of Sartres view on the existence of human nature.
4. Is human nature a material or immaterial substance Provide an explanation for your answer.
5. Aristotle argues that every thing in nature is always a composite of matter and form. Human beings, in this sense, are also composed of both matter and form. Aristotle further argues that every thing in nature is composed of essential and accidental properties. Are race and gender, essential or accidental properties in Aristotles view If they are essential or accidental properties, how do these properties affect human nature.
6. Postmodernists argue that the self is malleable. How does this affect andD or determine postmodernists view of human nature.
7. Some philosophers argue that substances are either material or mental. Other philosophers, on the other hand, argue that this distinction does not exist since there is one and only one substance. Within this context, how does these philosophers conception of a substance affect human nature In other words, if a substance is either material or mental, wherein the substance in question is man, how does this affect the conception of human nature .
8. Is it possible for human nature to exist if man is a material.
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