Gods existence is not obvious to humans. If this was the case, then every human being would believe in God. However, this does not imply that his existence is just a myth or that he does not exist. We believe that bacteria, neutrons or the Andromeda exists even though their existence is not obvious to us. There is sufficient evidence to suggest that they exist. The purpose of this paper is to find some of the common reasons advanced for the belief that God exist. The question of Gods existence is particularly important for a good proportion of human beings since their life are entirely based on this supposition. As such, this paper will not only look at some of these reasons but also analyze their persuasiveness. I will also give my position in regard to this very important question.
The question of the existence of God has baffled men from antiquity. One important point to observe is that this question laws considered with much more seriousness in the past than it is being considered today. As such, the last few years have seen a remarkable decline in belief in God. It is not a secret that today many people are not bothered to think about the question concerning the existence of God. There is a casual presumption that god does not exist even if he does, he is not relevant in their lives. Many reasons can be attributed to this. However, the most popular idea is that God has been disproved by science.
To many people, one of the most powerful evidence for the existence of God has been provided by science since it suggests that there must be a supreme intelligence behind the world that we live in. the proponents of this view hold that modern cosmology and evolutionary biology have provided sufficient proof of the existence of God. If God is responsible for the entire creation, then He is also responsible for the creation of human minds with the ability to consider deep questions and to discover deep answers. The duty of men is therefore to use their intelligence to reflect and find out about Him. This view forms the bulk of Christian belief about God. Such views are common in various Christian literatures. If Gods existence cannot be ascertained, then faith in him is basically guesswork or personal preference, the implication being that the advancement towards agnosticism. If belief in God is founded on strong evidence, then there is need to base human life and existence on him. Having considered these views, it is important to look at some of the reasons that people advance for their existence in God.
Among the reasons advanced for belief in God is related to the question of why anything exists at all. The proponents of this view hold that things do not just happen because it is known from experience that things only happen because there is a cause. Human life is based on a contingency of causes. Everything that exists must have a cause in the same way that things that happen around us have some particular causes attributed to them.  The universe as it exists is contingent. Of course, this has always been true. However, the developments within the past centuries in the field of cosmology have illuminated this view to a greater degree. Science has proven that the universe obey physical laws.  The universe therefore needs a cause. However, this cause of the universe, according to the proponents of this perspective, must be outside the universe.  From this argument, it can be seen that there must be a God.  According to Paul Davis, the physical universe is not compelled to exist as it is and therefore, we are driven back to the problem of why it is the way it is. The explanation can be sought in something beyond or outside the physical world-in something metaphysical-because, as we have seen, a contingent physical universe cannot contain within itself an explanation for itself.
Whenever a contingent entity is explained with another contingent entity, a complete explanation is not captured since nether things had to exist. If a complete explanation is to be sought for any contingent entity, what is required is a non-contingent cause- a first cause that cannot be caused. This is a proof for the existence of God and a basis for belief in him. However, one might say that when the causal links are infinitely long, then there is no need for God. In other words, every link can entirely be explained in terms of the preceding link. Infinity in causal link does not however imply that it has to exist. Envisioning a world in which this particular chain does not exist is possible. If it is not necessary for it to exist then there has to be a reason for its existence. A First uncaused cause is still needed that is, there is need for a God. Science has also shown that an infinite chain cannot exist because the universe is not infinitely old.
A major question that one is bound to ask is whether god was made and by whom. A careful reflection about the universe however suggest that it needs an uncaused cause- an entity that does not require to be made. Therefore, no one or nothing made God since he is not contingent. This is not a simple though even though it worth emphasizing that the proponents of this perspective not only imagine a God who does not require to be made but also that the universe needs this kind of God in order to explain it.
    Another reason why many people believe in God is the order and unity that exists in the universe. A considerable degree of order and harmony has been discovered in the universe by science. Science attempts to discover a unified law or principle behind the physical universe. Those who believe in God see this to be similar in many respects to the idea of God. God is a unity and science is only attempting to rediscover God. There is a crucial distinction between God and the Unity Law according to the proponents of this view. Scientific laws cannot exist by themselves they only describe the behavior of matter. In other words, the existence of the laws is dependent on the existence of matter. These laws do not account for how matter comes into existence. Stephen Hawking clearly states that even if a single possible unified theory exists, it only comprises of a set of rules and equations and this requires something to provide an impetus to the equations and create a universe for them to describe. As such, there must be a lawgiver for there to be laws. The laws cannot cause the universe. Therefore, the Lawgiver who is also the First Cause is God. The expression of gods wisdom is found in the Unity Law. It suggests that Gods supreme intelligence is manifested in his creation. The universe has been created by God in a wonderful way such that its reach diversity comes from a simple unified order.
    The above arguments are some of the reasons that form the basis for peoples belief in God. Their belief is founded on the proposition that God exists and this proposition is supported by the numerous arguments, some of which have been presented in this paper. The fact of Gods existence is the only conclusion that can be derived from data taken from modern science according to those who believe in God. According to believers, if our ability to discover the universe is taken seriously, then we cannot fail to arrive at the conclusion that an all-intelligent God is responsible for the creation of this world.
    These reasons are very persuasive since a world without a cause is unfathomable. The proofs that have been presented by these arguments are an integration of scientific evidence and logical arguments. The proof of existence of anything must follow some basic reasoning. The human mind has the capacity to arrive at valid conclusion through combining evidence and logic. Survival would be difficult if humans were unable to make valid conclusions founded on evidence. However, when there is sufficient evidence, it will beat logic and reason to fail to be certain. The arguments presented are sufficient proof of the existence of God. However, the most difficult part regards the question about the nature of God. The supporters of the above views hold that God is not physical he is pure Spirit and pure Mind. He is also not part of the universe. He created the universe as an ordered and harmonious unity. His creation was purposeful and this purpose is human beings, a being that is inferior to him but nevertheless possessing his intelligence. It is more complex to attempt to disprove the existence of God than to prove his existence. As such, I am more inclined towards the theists than agnostics.


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