Topic Outline for PowerPoint Presentation

I. Introduction
A. Checklist for Pre-Assessment
B. Goals of Sex Education
The presentation starts with a checklist to be answered by the parents (Appendix A). This checklist will help the organizers identify participants attitude about sex education. Next, the lecturer presents the goals of sex education. This part explains briefly why parents should teach sex education to their children. Studies conducted regarding teenageunwanted pregnancy and STD will be mentioned briefly to convince parents the importance of providing sex education to their child.

II. Defining Sex Education
In this part, the lecturer shall provide the scope of sex education. Contrary to common belief, sex education is not just about sex per se, and contraceptives. It also includes topics like the human anatomy, the risks of irresponsible sexual behavior, etc.

III. Assessing Childrens Readiness for Sex Education
Parents at this point will be asked when they should teach sex education. Three choices will be given pre-school stage, puberty stage, and pre-adult age. Later on, the lecturer informs the participants what authorities think about the issue.
A short quiz will also help identify if teens are ready for serious sex education.

IV. Strategies for Teaching Sex Education
This part mentions the strategies for teaching sex education to children. Strategies include using pictures, videos, tables, figures, etc., promoting open-line communication, using demonstrations, and giving exercises.

V. Teaching Human Anatomy
To make children understand how birth occurs, parents should start with the teaching of the human anatomy. This includes the female and the male reproductive organs.

VI. Introducing Sexual Intercourse
Sex education will not be complete without introducing sexual intercourse. To introduce this topic, parents may start with dating, intimacy, and other aspects that could lead a couple to have sex.

VII. Teaching Responsible Sexual Behavior
Teaching responsible sexual behavior is the main goal of sex education. To achieve this, parents should decide first what approach would fit best the culture to which they belong. For example, in most Christian cultures, using contraceptives is not a big deal while in the Muslim culture, abstinence is promoted until the couple is married.

VIII. Fact about Teenage Pregnancy
Telling children that teenage pregnancy may be one of the consequences of sex may be a good way to warn them about engaging to an early sex experience.

IX. Facts about STD Kinds and Symptoms
Children should be fully aware of STD in order to prevent it. As such, the presentation should include discussion on the kinds and signs of STD and its effects.

X. Defining Safe Sex
This part emphasizes the use of contraceptives, abstinence, and other methods used to ensure safety during intercourse.

XI. Illustrating the Sex Network
The illustration of the sex network hopes to give parents an idea on how to use pictures or visual images to promote responsible sexual behavior.


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