Wittgensteins Later Philosophy Application to the Field of Education

Analyzing the article that argued about the contributions of Wittgenstein to that of the ideas learned in class, it can be seen that his philosophy provides numerous insights in the application of pedagogical elements related to education. Here, his view concerning the application of philosophy in the synthesis and comprehension of knowledge stems from the ability of individuals to harness and recognize its value via multiple available channels.

In particular, what can be gained from Wittgensteins work comes from the ability of students to seek knowledge and learning via investigation and continued search for meaning. His process of investigations highlights the possibility of immersing through numerous experiences in order to gain better understanding of particular ideas (Durbules and Peters, 2001). Given this type of approach, it can then be surmised that his philosophy in education corresponds to the capacity to apply and expand the levels that people question reality and their overall relevance.

In here, he adheres to the notion of using concrete examples taken from our own individual experiences. These are important parts that help gauge ones capacity to utilize this information and apply it in our own personal lives. Similarly, this does not mean opening up the mainly the Socratic engagement but also careful utilization of language wherein it is used as an instrument for transmittal and inquiry.

Seeing this, Wittgensteins view concerning his philosophy greatly contributes to the field of education because of his ability to recognize other methods and means for individuals to acquire information. It is through our own investigative approach that individuals gain an advantage in capturing the essence of the question and what possible dynamics can be made to achieve answers to these corresponding ideas. These then becomes supplemental within the educational realm due to its capacity to foster new directions for thinking and a mindset different from the traditional way of facilitating and imparting information.


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