Buddhist ethics and Christianity ethics

Buddhist ethics is a latest discipline that begun around 15 years ago that brings together history, philosophy, religious studies, anthropology and more in an attempt to understand how man has to live. Christian ethics is the regular learning of the way of life set into view by Jesus Christ and which is practical to the daily demands and decisions of human life. The primary and ultimate authority for Christian ethics originates from the life, teachings, ministry and death of Jesus Christ as the revelation of God.

Buddhist and Christianity do share some common features including the common ethics of reciprocity, the theme of morality, among others. In the ethics of reciprocity they all share a fundamental rule of behavior which oversees how they live and treat each other. An example is in the quotation of both religions is in their texts. The Buddhist text states that hurt not others in ways that you yourself would find hurtful Udana-Varga 518, this compares closely to the Christian golden rule that states  and dont do what you hate.... Gospel of Thomas 6.
Themes of morality, justice and love are found in through both the Buddhas teachings and Christian Bible. Other beliefs shared by both of them include Buddhist does not teach about the existence of transcendent, immature, or any other type of God, Goddess, andor Gods. The Christians also believe of the existence of only one God and no other one apart from him alone. Another common similarity between them is that they all believe in the power of prayer and that of miracles.
There is a strong similarity between the myth and life of Buddha and Jesus Christ. Buddha and his disciples traveled into homes and preached gospels to those who were to hear, Jesus also was seen pursuing his disciple to go and spread the gospel and bring back the lost sheep (those who do not know God). Jesus proclaims that he is the light and son of the great father who came to save the wicked and those with noble character. Buddha on the other hand proclaimed himself to be a great father with sons of light whose main goal was to save those of noble character though he claims to create an illusionary half-way point for the wicked.
The administrative structures formed by the Buddhism and Christians share the following similarities the initiation into the holy trinity, the early Christian councils are reminiscent to the Buddhist councils and communal living for spiritual adherents stick to the principles of practicing poverty and chastity
The birth accounts of Buddha were copied into that of Jesus Christ with the following similar events occurring the story of Simeon and the account of bright light, the idol bending down to infant Jesus, the miracle of the sparrows restored back to life, the story of Judas Iscariot attack on Jesus just as Devadetta who is the he Judas of Buddhism also attacked Buddha and finally the whole story of the disputation with the doctors seems copied from that of Lalita Vistara from the Buddhist.
Although there are a number of similarities between the Christians and the Buddhists there are also many differences between them in their beliefs, practices and features.
The Christian initiator, Jesus Christ was the son of the father, God, while the founder of Buddhism, Siddhartha was a human being who got enlightenment through mediation and later was passed on to as the Buddha meaning the awakened. This also means that in the Buddhism religion there is no existence of a supernatural as in Christianity where we have the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit who are supernatural.
The Christians believe that after death the human soul will take a trip and enter into Heaven, closer to God, or hell, where Satan is. In the contrary the Buddha can achieve Nirvana, this is done through deep mediation and self control including self-denial, and therefore will not be reborn again. This brings a greater controversy between the two.
Also Buddhism is seen as an individualistic religion in which one reads a bibliography of Buddha and tries to imitate him and reach Nirvana. However, Christianity on the other hand, is a religion that represents people working together to reach heaven but with personal feature to their religious lives.
The teachings of both religions differ. With the percepts of the Buddhism, one willingly undertakes them and is not commanded to do so. There is no fear of consequences if not adhered to in any way. In Christianity if one does not follow the 10 commandments then there will be no salvation and a horrible punishment shall be laid upon them.

The precepts of the Buddhist differ with the 10 commandments laid down in the Christian religion. Some of the precepts read abstain from killing living things, abstain from sexual misconduct, abstain from false speech, among others. The 10 commandments, some of them state that honor your father and your mother, remember the Sabbath day and keep it holly, you shall not take the name of the lord your God in vain, and many more.

The assumptions made in the Christian set-up is that to become a Christian one has to accept Jesus Christ as their personal savior and that it is not appropriate to apply the term Christianity based simply on the fact that someone grew in church or  has parents who are Christians or grew up in a Christian set-up.
Christians believe in God, the one who created the universe and all in it. While humans have both human and spiritual elements, God is entirely spiritual and supernatural. Therefore, humans must believe and trust in him as per the apostle creed that goes that I believe in the God, the Father Almighty, creator of Heaven and Earth.
In the Christian believes Humans are made in the image of God. This means that the only difference between them and God is that they are physical and that God is not. Therefore, hat we share with God is that we are rational beings who are capable of making their own responsible decisions, and capable of relating with each other and him.
Christians sees Jesus as one who forgives peoples sins, sometimes that only God can do. In the gospel of John he says I and Father are one  and he who has seen me has seen the Father. In every account we have seen him playing a role beyond that of a normal teacher. Hence, these teaches the believer to learn to forgive as their teacher and also that they are able to speak to their God through Jesus Christ.
One fundamental assumption in the Buddhism is that one of reincarnation, that people are reborn after dying. In reincarnation individuals may recur repeatedly. In the rebirth an individual does not return necessarily the same as he was. He compares it to a leaf that after dying and withering, a new leaf will eventually replace it. Therefore, after this cycle, a person releases their attachment to desire and that they can attain Nirvana, a state of liberation and freedom from suffering.
There are three practices The Sila- virtue, good conduct and morality based on the principle of equality, meaning that all humans are equal and the principle of reciprocity, meaning doing to others what you would wish them to do to you. The second practice called Samadhi, which entails the development of ones mind for wisdom which in turn leads to personal freedom. Also there is the mental development that strengthens and controls the mind. The third practice called the Prajna involves the discernment, insight, wisdom and enlightenment. This leads to Buddhism and emerging of a pure and calm mind. All these lead to the development of the Buddhism practice.

The Buddhisms four Noble Truths look at the human suffering. They may be described as The Dukkha that teaches us that suffering is universal and that it is almost real, suffering has many causes loss, sickness, pain and the impermanence of pleasure. The Samudaya that says there is a cause of suffering. The Nirodha that says there is an end to all suffering and finally the Magga that explains that in order to end suffering, you must follow the Eightfold Path.


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