Treacherous Remedies

It is indisputable that every attempt man is making is to prevent present discomfort and discontent in time to come. But still one gets faced with this puzzle presumably by the sheer fact that he failed to follow the principle of preventing being better than curing. Every pharmaceutical firm will produce medicine for curing and still indicate side effects. This shows that attempts to cure will always bring with it contraindications. Consequently, mans attempt to develop will always present with it challenges that turn out to be even more dangerous and hazardous. Generally, man wants to live a posh and self actualized life. Eat well, dress well, be entertained, venture into innovations and inventions and still remain secure, yet this pursuit has time and again translated into trouble.

Man is relentlessly making efforts to live a better life. It is a struggle of all odds. Along the struggle, the rich are overfed, the poor are underfed, and everybody is harassed by wants fatigues, anxieties, excesses, passions and sorrows which civilization generates. Rousseau strongly believed that civilization had corrupted mans natural happiness and reduced the freedom he had had by bringing about inequality, and for some enhancing social privileges and power.

While Rousseau J argues that a sophisticated world made the stronger and the intelligent gain undeserved advantage over others, Locke on the other hand believed that the natural man was free and independent and that these gains ought to have been enjoyed by all men. Locke goes ahead and even quotes the bible, that God gave the world in common to mankind.

These two arguments to us present a deal gone sour. Ordinarily, the available resources should be used for all and in equal terms. By these prepositions, all developmental attempts are running into unprecedented problems. Man, for instance discovers the nuclear power, by the above standards, the discovery should be communal, yet the human egocentric motives end up making it detrimental. The cardinal object of the discovery was to make life more comfortable and civilized. Forth, the discovery brings instants like the bombing in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. So well protracted, yet ending into a tragedy.

Man endears to move from one developmental stage to another, similarly the state has to move from one political and economic level to another yet the level both the individual and the state get to, tend to present a state more challenging than the initial one. In the long run, man is always trying to resolve a conflict created by the present state. ...That states by accustoming themselves to neglect their ancient customs under pretext of improvement often introduce greater evils than those they endeavored to remove. This is an indication that in general the quest for humankind to better himself has always presented with it insurmountable challenges.

Consider general law, both the law of cause and the law effect. When
Faced with a decision to make, Locke J feels the magistrate should play such a key and pivotal role. The decision the magistrate makes is as cardinal and should be well thought out. The implication here is that in making progressive decisions, one should weigh the resultant pros and cons. Locke feels ultimately, decisions made in the passed have had far-reaching ramifications. Magistrate is contextually used symbolically to represent the decision maker. This is indicative of the fact that the decisions we are making presently may not well thought.

Globalization at inception was so great an idea, it presupposed to have eased economic, social and political strains. Yet this salient idea has been raped and cruelly abused. The whole noble idea turns out to be treacherous- the direct opposite of its object. Rousseau foresaw such issues become emergent at some point in life he postulated that, Original man is economically independent, it is hardly surprising that Rousseau, with his own memories of a lifetime of economic dependence, should emphasize this kind of personal freedom. And indeed, the departure from independence to dependence has turned out to be such a miraculous blessing in disguise.

Looking at industrialization, every one will yearn for it. Yet now, humankind is faced with its resultant issue of global warming. The projection for checking this trend is exorbitant and near to unattainable. The problem paused by industrialization range from desertification, earthquakes and tsunamis alike. The long-term cost of the effects tends to outwit the cost of installation. Definitely the issue here is not stopping industrialization but looking at possibilities of how it can be achieved without far reaching effects as is being witnessed today. Urbanization is coveted alike, unfortunately with it comes all sorts of evils including congestion, unemployment, pollution and general immorality. All this breed human discomfort which lacked at inception of the whole idea.

Drugs from pharmaceuticals are meant to help bring back the health of the user to initial state. But at some point one is advised to take another drug to counter the effects of the first, yet the accumulation of all these chemicals in the body present an incurable complication. The argument is not that innovation and inventions are bad in total, no. However, before undertaking any of these innovations one should consider the possibility of using existing alternatives.

The natural man had not governments. Locke believes that this was the best state of affair. But apparently the present man can not do without it. The very government that is installed by man disappoints him finally. (Locke Pp 9) wonders why the government one installs turns against him, doing their own will rather than the will of the voters. The very government, Locke goes on to argue, invades the rights of the voters. He does argue citing biblical evidence that God created man as equals and at no time should one trample over others.

On the strength of the foregoing discussion, two things come into play. That humankind has really made efforts. The efforts can be evidenced in medication, urbanization and industrialization. In doing this humankind wants to improve his condition of life. Humankind wishes to reduce the energies he is using in day to day chores. Take the case of a guillotine for instance, designed to cut paper but strangles the user, accidentally yet unfortunately.

Seminars, workshops and conference should be convened to encourage industrialization but most importantly, industrialization that will not make man an endangered species. Urbanization should be undertaken with all the zeal, but with precaution taking center stage in the policy formulation process. Mechanization should also be made a development agenda, but its introductory session should emphasize the safety of the occupant and the user. Such is what will make the earth continually a better place to live rather than a regrettable place to be.

Whichever school of thought there is, mechanization, industrialization and urbanization are here to stay, but how best do we embrace them in our households Well, as this noble course is undertaken, it should not derail the very cardinal and paramount object of staying in an environment so natural, yet so mechanized and industrialized to the very satisfaction of humankind. In a nutshell therefore, man should do all he is doing, but he should put in place every precaution lest the very works of his hands clear him off the earths surface.


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